About the Company

In an effort to develop endowments and raise the efficiency of their investment and the sustainability of their returns, Awqaf Investment started its work as the investment arm of the General Authority for Awqaf (GAA), as a closed joint stock company, on 13/04/1440 A.H., corresponding to 20/12/2018 A.D.

At Awqaf Investment, we work to develop investment mechanisms for endowments managed by the General Authority for Awqaf (GAA), diversify the investment portfolio, and develop the investment strategy, through the management and operation of endowments affiliated to GAA; real estate investment and development of endowments for the benefit of the endowment or GAA; and investment in securities through the management of portfolios and funds.

With promising aspirations for achieving GAA’s directions to advance the endowment sector in the Kingdom, Awqaf Investment focuses on clear strategic objectives to contribute to providing integrated investment solutions to the non-profit sector, and to develop innovative investment products that meet the needs of such sector.


To be a role model in providing investment services to the non-profit sector.


To provide integrated investment solutions that meet the needs of the non-profit sector according to the highest standards and best practices, which contributes to improving the sector's returns.



Professionalism distinguishes us, as we follow the best practices in all our activities.


Reliability defines us, and we spare no effort to continue to maintain the trust of our partners.


Sustainability is inherent to us, and we always strive to achieve it in our assets and returns.


We are committed to transparency, as it is the first key to gaining the trust of our clients and developing our business.


Ambition motivates us to achieve our goals and to always stay ahead.

Our Strategy

Awqaf Investment is based on a clear roadmap to achieve its vision of being a role model in providing investment services to the non-profit sector, depending on 3 main pillars, namely:

  • Maximizing the returns of the investment portfolio:
    By finding investment opportunities with lucrative returns to achieve financial sustainability and enable the Company to play a pivotal role in the sector.
  • Contributing to opening new investment horizons in the non-profit sector:
    By providing value-added services that include financial and investment solutions and consultations to various entities operating in the non-profit sector to contribute to maximizing the developmental and social impact.
  • Building the optimal institutional model for the management of endowments:
    By focusing on achieving the best levels of quality in managing operations effectively and efficiently, and achieving the highest levels of governance and internal control, which will reflect positively in the services provided.

These pillars include 6 strategic objectives to achieve growth while maintaining excellence in providing services to the non-profit sector, which are:

  • Achieving optimal performance of the investment portfolio.
  • Contributing to enabling and attracting new investments and strategic partners for the non-profit sector.
  • Attracting and developing the skills of the best human competencies.
  • Developing the asset portfolio.
  • Providing consulting services to the non-profit sector.
  • Building a sustainable business model.

Organizational Structure

الهيكل التنظيمي